Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bringing Back Those Oldies But Goodies....

Welcome to the newly created Oldies But Goodies Blog!

Do you love "Oldies" Music?

Visit here often for unique and interesting information on your favorite oldies artists and music. In addition, I'll keep you up to date on the upcoming oldies concerts we present at performing arts centers throughout Southern and Northern California!

Hey, just what the heck are "Oldies But Goodies," anyway?

In a general sense, this is music recorded mostly during the 1950's and 1960's, with some overlap in years.

Musical styles range from Rock/Pop, Rhythm & Blues, Doo-Wop, Soul, Motown, Blues and, well, you get the idea.

It's the music we baby boomers grew up with during the fabulous fifties and swinging sixties!

It's the music that defined a generation.

This blog is but one element of the free content we feature on our website at OldiesConcerts.Org, where you can listen to our 24-Hour Cruisin' Oldies Radio Station, watch our YouTube Channel at CruisinOldiesTV, and catch up with the latest news on the great music and entertainers of the era.

If you love what you see and hear, subscribe to our Facebook Page, our YouTube Channel and our Blog.

Live music is a shared experience.

We welcome your input and feedback!

We promise to bring you more of the music and news relevant to you, the oldies music lover - paying tribute to the greatest music of the last century.

Mark W. Curran - Managing Director
Cruisin' Oldies Concerts - OldiesConcerts.Org

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